
Read my Résumé


  • (2008–2012) Ph.D thesis, LJLL/ Paris VI UPMC : Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris-Jussieu France, Conception and analyze of time-parallel algorithm to speed up the simulation of some evolutionary systems..
  • (2007-2008) Master thesis Applied mathematics, CEREMADE/ University of Paris Dauphine, Master de recherche specialité EDP-MAD, Equations aux Dérivées Partielles - Modélisation Aléatoire et Déterministe.

Professional experiences

  1. (Since Jan’17) Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, KU.
  2. (2016-2017) Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Sciences, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, KUSTAR.
  3. (2015-2016) NJIT Instructorship, Department of Mathematical Sciences , New Jersey Institute of technology.
  4. (2014-2016) Postdoc research associate, Department of Mathematical Sciences , New Jersey Institute of technology, Waves propagation : Regularized Combined Field Integral equation and domain decomposition method.
  5. (2012–2014) Postdoctoral researcher, CMAP/ INRIA-Saclay and X - École Polytechnique, France, Non destructive testing : A diffraction tomographic algorithm for eddy current testing on steam generator.
  6. (2011–2012) Visiting Scholar at University of Paris Dauphine, Attache Temporaire a l’ensei- gnement et la Recherche (ATER), CEREMADE/ University of Paris Dauphine.
  7. (2008–2012) Employee “Allocataire de Recherche” PhD program, , Pierre et Marie Curie Univer- sity., Paris-6 Sorbone University,, Paris-France.
  8. (Summer'08) Master internship, at CEREMADE and INRIA-Rocquencourt, Implementation and numerical analysis of an algorithm of control by laser : application to the quantum chemistry.


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